Initial 24online Configuration

In this article we will see how to do Initial 24online Configuration and License Registration.

Below are the Model No, Default IP Address and Login Credentials:-
Model No:- HIA 200iX
Firmware Version:-

Default Interface IP Address:-
eth0 (LAN/A) –
eth1 (WAN/B) –
eth2 (DMZ/D) –
eth3 (E) –
eth4 (F) –

Default GUI Password:-
Username:- administrator
Password:- administrator

Default Telnet Password
Telnet Password:- admin

Step 1:- Access 24Online via Telnet.
Step 2:- LAN IP Address Configuration.
Step 3:- WAN IP Address Configuration.
Step 4:- Gateway Configuration.
Step 5:- Date & Time Configuration.
Step 6:- Access 24Online GUI.
Step 7:- DNS Configuration.
Step 8:- Testing Internet Connection on 24online.
Step 9:- Register Licenses.
Step10:- Restart Services.

So lets get started….

Step 1:- Access 24online via Telnet.
✦ Connect your Laptop to 24online Port DMZ/C (eth2) and Assign IP Address to your Laptop eg:-
✦ Telnet to 24online (Default Port DMZ/C (eth2) IP Address:-
✦ Enter Password (Default 24online Telnet Password:- admin) and click Enter
✦ You will get 24online Telnet Access

Step 2:- LAN IP Address Configuration.
✦ You will get prompt to change eth0 (LAN/A) IP Address so simple enter the details
✦ Input New IPv4 IP address:- and press Enter
✦ Input New IPv4 Netmask:- and press Enter
✦ Input New Net Type:- i and press enter (i means Internet)
✦ Do you want to Set Alias for Ethernet eth0? (y/n) : No Enter : press Enter

Step 3:- WAN IP Address Configuration.
✦ You will get prompt to change eth1 (WAN/B) IP Address so simple enter the details
✦ Input New IPv4 IP address:- and press Enter
✦ Input New IPv4 Netmask:- and press Enter
✦ Input New Net Type:- e and press enter (e means External)
✦ Do you want to Set Alias for Ethernet eth0? (y/n) : No Enter : press Enter
Note:- It will prompt to change remaining Interface IP Address where you need to simply press enter

Step 4:- Gateway Configuration.
✦ After eth5 Configuration you will get prompt to change the Default Gateway simply enter the details
✦ Do you want to change Current Gateway? (y/n) : y and press enter
✦ Please Enter Default Gateway Name : Default Gateway (Enter) : and press Enter
✦ Input IP Address of Default Gateway : and press Enter

Step 5:- Date & Time Configuration.
✦ After Completing Gateway configuration you will get a prompt to change the Date & Time
✦ Do you want to Set Timezone? (y/n) : y and press Enter
✦ Select Timezone as Asia/Kolkata and click on OK button (Use Tab Key to Toggle)
✦ Do you want to Set Date (y/n) : y
✦ Enter Month (01,02…12) : and press Enter
✦ Enter Day (01,02…31) : and press Enter
✦ Enter Year (2000,2001..) : and press Enter
✦ Enter Hour (00,01…23) : and press Enter
✦ Enter Minute (00,01…59) : and press Enter
✦ Enter Administrator Email ID : and press Enter and again Press Enter to Confirm
✦ Updating 24online System Configuration…. -> Means Configurations are getting updated (It will take around 5-10Minutes to Complete) and once completed it will show msg as Done, Simply Press Enter and you will be able to See the Current Configurations.

Step 6:- Access 24online GUI Via LAN Port.
✦ Connect your Laptop to 24online Port LAN/A (eth0) and Assign IP Address to your Laptop LAN Port:- and Subnet:-
✦ Open Web Browser like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome etc.
✦ Enter LAN IP Address:- in Web Browser and press Enter.
✦ Enter Default Username, Password and click on Login Button.
✦ 24Online Graphic User Interface (GUI) will appear now.

Step 7:- DNS Configuration.
✦ System Configuration -> DNS Configuration -> Click on Add -> Enter ISP DNS and Click OK
Note:- After Configuring all the Above 7 Steps its mandatory to check if internet is working on 24online or Not as without Internet you wont be able to register the License.

Step 8:- Testing Internet Connection on 24online.
✦ Telnet to 24online -> 4. 24online Console -> Type ping and and check if you are getting reply. If getting reply then your appliance is ready for license registration.

Step 9:- Register License.
In order to register the License 1st we need to update the Company Info and then License Registration.
✦ To update the Company Info:- Click on Help -> Click on Company info -> and Enter all the details and click on Update button.
✦ To Register License:- Click on Help -> Register 24online -> Online Registration -> Enter Product ID & Unique ID and Click on Register & OK Button.

Step10:- Restart Services (GUI & NAS).
✦ Telnet to 24online -> 5. 24online Management -> 1. 24online Services -> 2. Restart Admin GUI Services -> Type Y and click Enter.
✦ Telnet to 24online -> 8. NAS Management -> 1. NAS Components Management -> 5. Restart All Components -> and Press Enter
Note:- Once NAS is restarted it will take 5-10 Minutes time to Get the GUI Access.

Done!!!! we have successfully completed the Initial 24online Configuration, now all the Features will be enabled..

Next Step is to Register the Module Licenses so that we can enable different Modules, You can Click Here to Know how to register 24online Module Licenses.

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