NETGEAR Insight Cloud Controller Configuration

In This article we will see how to configure Netgear Cloud Controller Insight.

Login to
Click on Add a new location ->
Enter location Name: RouterX
Device Admin Password * : Admin@12345
Country* : India
and Click on Save Button

Once Site is Created we can Add Access Points

Adding Access Point
Devices -> Add Device
Enter AP Serial Number : XXXXXXXXXXXXX and Click Go
Enter AP MAC Address: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX and Click on Next
Click on View Device.

SSID Creation
Wireless -> Add SSID ->
Enter SSID Name: RouterX
Security: WPA2 Personal
Click on Add Custom VLAN and Enter WIFI VLAN ID: 1000
Click on Save Button.

Access Point Firmware Upgradation
Firmware -> Select the AP and Click on Update -> Click on Yes, update the firmware.

NOTE:- Access Point should get Internet Access from External DHCP Server so that Access Point can communicate with Cloud Contoller.

Switch Side VLAN Configuration

VLAN 1 – Untagged
VLAN 1000 – Tagged

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