MikroTik User Manager Configuration on RouterOS v6

In this article i will show you how to Configure MikroTik User Manager on RouterOS v6.

Step 1:- Login to MikroTik RouterOS.
Step 2:- Remove all the Default Configuration.
Step 3:- Re-Login to MikroTik RouterOS using MAC ID.
Step 4:- Assigning WAN IP addresses.
Step 5:- Gateway configuration.
Step 6:- DNS Configuration.
Step 7:- LAN Interface Configuration
Step 8:- Hotspot Configuration
Step 9:- Radius Configuration
Step 10:- Userman Configuration

I am using below information where i have connected ISP on eth1 Port & Laptop to MikroTik eth6 Port.
1. MikroTik RouterBoard RB3011
2. WAN IP Address: (ISP provided)
3. Gateway: (ISP provided)
4. Public DNS: and
5. LAN IP Network: (Private IP block chosen by me).

Step 1:- Login to MikroTik RouterOS.
Follow my previous Blog “How to Login to MikroTik RouterOS from LAN Side” to login to MikroTik RouterOS using Winbox.

Step 2:- Remove all the Default Configuration.
It is a best practice to Remove all the default RouterOS Configuration before starting the New Configuration so follow below steps to remove default configuration
✦ Once you login to Mikrotik RouterOS goto System-> Reset Configuration-> Click on Reset Configuration-> you will get a prompt “Do you want to reset all your configuration and reboot?”-> click Yes-> Now RouterBoard will reboot.
✦ Once you relogin to Mikrotik RouterOS you will get “RouterOS Default Configuration” prompt-> click on Remove Configuration-> Now RouterBoard will again Reboot.
✦ Now all the Default configuration will be removed.

Step 3:- Re-Login to MikroTik RouterOS using MAC ID.
Since all the default configuration are removed from MikroTik RouterOS you will not be able to login with IP Address hence you need to use MAC Address to login. Follow my previous Blog “How to Login to MikroTik RouterOS from LAN Side” to login to MikroTik RouterOS using MAC Address via Neighbor discovery Tab.

Step 4:- Assigning WAN IP addresses.
✦ Click on IP -> Addresses -> click on Add sign -> and enter IP Address details
        Network:- No need to do any changes.
        Interface:- eth1
✦ Click on Apply and Ok.

Step 5:- Gateway configuration.
✦ Click on IP -> Routes -> click on Add sign -> Enter Gateway: -> Apply and Ok.

Step 6:- DNS Configuration.
✦ Click on IP -> DNS -> Static Tab -> click on Add sign -> Enter Name (Like DNS1) -> in Address column Add DNS Address and Click on Apply & Ok.
✦ Same way Add Secondary DNS Address.

Step 7:- LAN Interface Configuration
✦ IP -> Addresses -> Add -> Address: -> Network: No Changes -> Interface: Select LAN Interface (eg: eth5) from Drop Down List and Click on Apply OK.

Step 8:- Hotspot Configuration
✦ IP -> Hotspot -> Click on Servers Tab -> Click on Hospot Setup -> Select Hotspot Interface : eth5 and Click Next -> Local Address of Network: and Tick Mark Masquerade Network and Clcik on Next -> Address Pool of Network: Enter Start to End DHCP IP Address (eg: and Click on Next -> Select Certificate: none and Click on Next -> IP Address of SMTP Server: and Click on Next -> DNS Servers: and Click on Next -> DNS Name: Keep Blank and Click on Next -> Enter the Password for Hotspot User admin and Click on Next -> OK.

✦ IP -> Hotspot -> Click on Server Profile Tab -> Edit Profile Created -> Click on Login Tab -> Login By: HTTP CHAP, MAC Cookie -> Click on RADIUS Tab -> Tick Mark Use RADIUS -> Tick Mark Accounting -> Interim Update: 00:02:00 and Click on Apply OK.

Step 9:- Radius Configuration
✦ Radius -> Click on incoming Tab -> Tick Mark Accept and Click on Apply OK.

✦ Radius -> Click on Add -> Service: hotspot -> Address: -> Protocol: udp -> Secret: RouterX@1234 -> Authentication Port: 1812 -> Accounting Port 1813 -> Timeout: 300 and Click on Apply OK.

Step 10:- User Manager Configuration
✦ Login to Userman Link: IP Address/userman -> Default Credentials Username: admin Password: -> Click on Routers Tab -> Add -> Name: Enter Name -> Shared Secret: RouterX@1234 -> Address: -> CoA Port: 3799 and Click on Apply OK.

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