24online Firmware Upgradation

Kindly go through the below upgrade procedure which is needed to be followed to complete the upgrade of the 24online server.

1. Need to Raise Ticket with 24online Support Team as Team will have to do the Beta Entries in order to start the Upgradation.
2. Make the availability of serial console cable on-site during activity.
3. Take the latest data backup from the server before contacting 24online Support Team for the activity. Follow my previous Blog “How to take Backup of 24online” to know the Steps to take 24online Backup.

Up-gradation procedure:
1) Please download all the files first. (Note:: download the patches before contacting us on support).
2) Then please upload files one at a time starting from the lowest version provided in the links from GUI: Path: GUI -> Help -> Upload Upgrade Version ->Upload file.
3) After upload login to console menu (from LAN side or through console cable only) for version Up-gradation Path: Telnet -> 6. Upgrade Version -> Upgrade 24online to Latest Version (y/n): y.

After completion of the upgrade with all the patches need to restart below services:

✦ Admin GUI Service Restart : Telnet -> 5.24online Management -> 1.24online Services -> 2. Restart Admin GUI Services
✦ NAS Components: Telnet -> 8. NAS Management -> 1. NAS Components Management ->5. Restart All Components

Once Completed Verify the GUI and authentication operation.

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