Juniper SRX320 Port Forwarding

Below are the CLI to Configure Port Forwarding on Juniper SRX320 Firewall

root@GGTVM% cli
root@GGTVM> configure
Entering configuration mode

root@GGTVM# set security nat destination pool 24ONLINE_SERVER address port 443

root@GGTVM# set security nat destination rule-set PORT_FORWARDING from zone untrust

root@GGTVM# set security nat destination rule-set PORT_FORWARDING rule PORT_FORWARDING_SERVER_443_TO_HTTPS match source-address

root@GGTVM# set security nat destination rule-set PORT_FORWARDING rule PORT_FORWARDING_SERVER_443_TO_HTTPS match destination-address

root@GGTVM# set security nat destination rule-set PORT_FORWARDING rule PORT_FORWARDING_SERVER_443_TO_HTTPS match destination-port 443

root@GGTVM# set security nat destination rule-set PORT_FORWARDING rule PORT_FORWARDING_SERVER_443_TO_HTTPS then destination-nat pool 24ONLINE_SERVER

root@GGTVM# set security address-book global address SERVER_IP

root@GGTVM# set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy INBOUND_PORT_FORWARDING_SERVER match source-address any

root@GGTVM# set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy INBOUND_PORT_FORWARDING_SERVER match destination-address SERVER_IP

root@GGTVM# set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy INBOUND_PORT_FORWARDING_SERVER match application junos-https

root@GGTVM# set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy INBOUND_PORT_FORWARDING_SERVER then permit

root@GGTVM# commit
commit complete

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